2020 was our 40th year, and we broadcast from our home of 19 years: 47 Easey Street Collingwood. Our music community station is represented by the broadcasters presenting the sounds you know and love:
Aaron Allen, Adam Rudegeair, Adrian Maiolla, Adriana Lazaridis, Alex Robertson, Alex Sims, Amy Chapman, Andrew Murray, Andrew Young, Andy Merkel, Angela Moran, Anita Michalski, Annika Priest, Anthony Tomarchio, Aphrodite Feros-Fooke, Ayda Akcelic, Beatski, Bella Kranjec, Bevin Campbell, Bridget Small, Carol Quinlan, Cas Castle, Charlie Perry, Chelsea Wilson, Chris Pearson, Chris Xynos, Christine Mwaturura, Claire Stuchbery, Clancy Balen, Crispi Winsor, Daniel Cosgriff, Dave DeBrincat, David Heard, David Pisker, Declan James, Dedlee, Dylan Gomez, Ed Coogan, Ed Prendergast, Edd Fisher, Ella Stoeckli, Elle Young, Emelyne Khor, Emma Peel, Ethan Hill, Zvi Belling, Fem Belling, Firas Massouh, Frank Davidson, Garry Havrillay, Gary Carson, Gary Laidlaw, Gav Plummer, Gerry Koster, Glen Morrow, Graham Sewell, Greg Van Meeuwen, Hannah McKittrick, Hannah Thornell, Harrison Bryan, Harrison Orchard, Heath Kerr, Helen Jennings, Henry Guala, Henry Osborne, Iain Swift, Ian Parsons, Ian Sutherland, Jan Dale, Jasmine Rose-Ham, Jess Fairfax, Jesse I, Jo Malone, Joe Lorback, Joe Reed, John Boothroyd, Jonny Alexander, Jonny Hess, Jordan Oakley, Juan Colombo, Julian Cram, Julie Enzerink, Jure Kodre, Kelly Dingledei, Ken Fargher, Kene Lightfoot, Kev Lobotomi, Kit Barker, Kris Weston, Kristen Solury, Kurt Eckardt, Kyah Parrott, Leah Evans, Lisa Gibbs, Lloyd Briggs, Lloyd Dewar, Lucy French, Lyndelle Wilkinson, Maddy Macfarlane, Madi Wright, Mark Pottenger, Marley Swain, Matt Frederick, Matt McFetridge, Michael Kerr, Michael Mulholland, Mike Gurrieri, Milo Eastwood, Miss Goldie, Mitch Booth, Monica Hanns, Myles O'Neil Shaw, Mz Rizk, Nic Scurry, Owen McKern, Paddy Harrisson, Parvyn Singh, Paul Jones, Paul Kidney, Penny O'Brien, Perry Holt, Peter Bramley, Peter Fundeis, Peter Merrett, Peter Miles, Phil MacDougall, Pierre Baroni, Prequel, Prof. Cat Hope, Rebecca Davey, Richard Ewart, Richi Madan, Richie 1250, Rick Howe, Rodney Shah, Roger Holdsworth, Ron Dickinson, Ronan Hamill, Rosa Coyle Hayward, Ross Nable, Ruari Currin, Ruby Soho, Ruby Willis, Ryan Evans, Sam Clark, Sarita Ryan, Saul Zavarce, Shellpac Dingo, Shio Otani, Sigrid Hohl, Simon Hughes, Simon Laxton, Simon Takla, Stani Goma, Susi Lanagan, Susie Scurry, Suzi Hutchings, The Professor, Todd Solomon, Tom Sianidis, Tony Irvine, Trent Sterling, Troy Benjamin, Tull Alred, Vince Peach, Wallace Carvalho, Wendy Tonkin, Xan Coppinger, Yasmin Rupesinghe, Zac McCracken and Zak Brown.

1 Year
Jordan Oakley Underground Love
Penny O’Brien Passing Notes
Claire Stuchbery Firewater (excludes time on air before)
5 Years
Ayda Akcelic Electric Sunset
Elle Young Headhunters (and Tropicalia)
10 Years
Michael Mulholland Junkyard
Daniel Cosgriff & Walla C Fresh Produce
Ross Nable Impressions
Chris Pearson Pojama People
Monica Hanns Against The Tide (maternity leave)
20 Years
Tom Sianidis Jumpin' The Blues
Saul Zavarce Fiesta Jazz
"I'm not into anniversaries. The show is not about me. It's about the music!"
30 Years
Stani Goma Flight 1067 to Africa
40 Years
Phil MacDougall Sunglasses After Dark
David Heard Acid Country official 40th celebration
In 2020 we farewelled the following
PBS announcers on the program guide
Jess Fairfax All Our Stories
Kyah Parrott All Our Stories
Troy Benjamin All Our Stories
Wendy Tonkin Metal Genesis
Jamie Suppa It's A Gas
Chris Xynos Connections
Steve Passiouras Fret Net
Shellpac Garageland
Clancy Balen Solaris
Xan Coppinger Solaris
New Announcers in 2020
In 2020 we welcomed these new announcers to the program guide
Hannah McKittrick Soak February
Ella Stoeckli Against The Tide February
Kurt Eckardt Homebrew March
Ajak Kwai Come Together March
Jazz Spaces Within Space May
Kristen Solury Bleeding Black Hearts Revue May
Jo Malone No Way Back May
Susie Scurry Shine a Light May
Zak Brown Garageland November
Hannah Thornell Cross Pollinate * did not go ahead due to COVIDsafe measures
2020 started with a literal cloud. Bushfires were a declared crisis. These were dark days and the broader the community came together to fundraise, organise, volunteer and help. The music community were early on the scene, holding a plethora of fundraisers, and PBS announcers used the power of radio helped promote a cause outside of ourselves. In January we farewelled Jess Fairfax (All our Stories, former PPG and Board member). Tull Alred’s insomnia show Android Discotheque moved from Tuesday mornings to Thursday mornings (alternating with Underground Love). The first Studio 5 Live of 2020 commenced featuring U-Bahn, with Sarah Mary Chadwick to follow and the first Queer A Go Go was held at the end of the month.
Our mission is to nurture, inspire and champion our diverse music community. And we do that by supporting artists via airplay, interviews and live sessions. And in February each year we reach out to our performer listeners to become members, and support our station. In return they are thanked on the program of choice for a year, and they go into the draw to win a fab array of prizes from generous sponsors in our community. We also have a weeklong on air and in-person party to celebrate live music on radio in Melbourne, hosted by Elle Young, Claire Stuchbery, Lyndelle Wilkinson, Ruari Currin and Richie 1250, and we invite listeners in for that fly on the wall meets gig experience. We call that party Drive Live.

Thank you to the artists you can see on the artwork by Georgia Jean White, and by Steve on his amazing chalkboard work.
Thank you to volunteers Alannah Sawyer, Aiden Thorneley, Bronte Laffin Vines, Cam Mighell, Charlie Perry, Christel Starkey, Debbie Wells, Diane Crowther, Jill Corcoran, Jules Atkinson, Julia Derwas, Kristen Solury, Leah Evans, LeAnne Bowie, Mark Ireland, Max Kraan, Rebecca Stone, Robbie Candeloro, Russell Snibson, Thomas Dell'Oro and Steve for the set up and roll out of Drive Live 2020.

Events are another way we reach out to our community and on February 2020 saw Rock A Bye Baby featuring Remi who bought the house down, on a vibrant and fun gig for kids and their carers. We had a wonderful team of volunteers helping out. Thank you Aiden Thorneley, Cam Mighell, Debbie Wells and Philip Theodorou.

In February we farewelled veteran announcer, Jaimie Suppa, AKA Dingo on It’s A Gas. Not only did he broadcast for 21 years, championing rock'n'roll and rockabilly. Behind the scenes, he helped build the 47 Easey Street site and we are forever grateful.

In March Soul A Go Go kicked off at The Gasometer. March 8, PBS held special programming for International Women’s Day. On the 10th day, Steve Passiouras’ Fret Net (the program for the guitar obsessed) wound up after 17 years on-air. Steve also helped PBS create the user-friendly PBS membership database, which is still used to this day. Other announcers departing the PBS grid included poet/writer/creative Consciously Kyah (All Our Stories) and Chris Xynos (Connections).
Jordan Oakley’s Underground Love moved to a new timeslot Tuesday 3-5), as did Kene Lightfoot’s Burning Bitumen (Tuesday 10pm-12am). By March 23, PBS welcomed renowned musician and performer Ajak Kwai to Monday’s 1pm-3pm with Come Together, featuring songs that changed the world, songs of struggle, and music that changed our lives, both old and new.
Disco A Go Go with Evelyn Champagne King was interrupted and global events impacted on the nation. Mid-month, a state of emergency was announced by the state government. Footy was cancelled, music venues were closed and school students were sent home. This was serious!
In the office, it meant closing our doors to the public, suspending non-broadcast volunteering, and announcer courses. A shoestring staff and all announcers adhered to the cleaning policy to create a safe space for broadcasters. Events were postponed, in-person interviews and live performances in all studios were cancelled, member favourite giveaways were halted, and the station’s staff were sent home, except for one staff member who spent a good portion of the day cleaning and sanitising the station.
Thank you to the behind the scenes volunteers who helped out in 2020:
Alannah Sawyer, Alex Robertson, Collette Chalmers, Grace Turbott, Julia Derwas, Julie Enzerink, Justin Thomas, Katie Bass, Ken Fargher, Mia Treachis, Michaela Kris, Salty Otton, Sam Clark, Zak Brown, Amy Watson, Charlie Perry, Declan James, Greta Baggley, Jonny Alexander and Kelly Dingeldei in administration and music library. Thank you Tania Tobbiano, Bec Jordan, Eve Fraser and Anita Agathangelou in social media. A big cheers for Alan Fitzpatrick, Ashley O'Halloran and Con Pagonis who helped pack membership kits and another cheers for our interns Alannah Sawyer and Julia Derwas and photographer Rachel Bradley and cheers to Jeff Henry.
As live music could not go ahead, Studio 5Live Rewind was introduced recalling some of the great live performances and the PBS announcers powered on keeping our listening community together. Over 2020 this included:
U-Bahn, Yawning Man, Big Yawn, Danika Smith & Choir, Sleep D, Birdz, Angie McMahon, Bad//Dreems, Grace Cummings, Elizabeth, Coda Chroma, Baby 8, Spiral Perm, Clowns, Surprise Chef, Tanzer, RVG, Moon Duo, Sarah Mary Chadwick, Spirograph Studies, Deline Briscoe, Bamboos, Laura Imbruglia, Karate Boogaloo, Mildlife, Pinch Points, The Teskey Brothers, Moon Duo, Flora Carbo Trio, Out On The Weekend Acid Country Special, Mo'Ju, Moody Beaches, The Dirtbombs, Ghost-Note, Big Yawn, Hugo Race Fatalists, Rhiannon Giddens and Dirk Powell, Collard Greens & Gravy, Public Opinion Afro Orchestra, Shepparton Airplane (remote), Zombeaches (remote), Los Chicos, Mt Mountain, Songhoy Blues, On Diamond, Turner Brown Blues Band, Menahan Street Band, Sleep D/Albrecht La'Brooy, Maria Moles & Adam Halliwell, Calexico, DRMNGNOW, Deline Briscoe, The Rookies, Even, Sui Zhen, Screaming Females and the Alan Lee Quintet. Studio 5 live and rewind is bought to you by Mountain Goat.
Although in-person interviews could not go ahead, we heard more announcers continue to maintain those connections with artists using Zoom, Skype and more in addition to old school phoners. Our archive can be found here.
As one listener and volunteer said:
“Sooooo thankful to the makers of music at the station for keeping us all sane, and, reminding us all that there will be life after COVID-19. I, for just one, listen all the time... especially when I head into the hospital.. fearful of what my shift will entail. The presenters have all been so supportive... offering to speak with lonely people to discuss music, or, whatever they need to talk about. Your contribution to supporting the mental health of the community has been amazing. Support of artists who have lost so much is also been truly ‘PBS’.... we are all suffering.... some more than others....” - Debbie Wells
Long term and loyal volunteer Wendy Tonkin retired Metal Genesis after over a decade on air.
Overnighter, Kix’s Afro Turn Up moved to Friday’s 10pm-midnight and this was syndicated on the national Community Radio Network. Android Discotheque with Tull moved to Saturday’s 12am-2am.
Did you know that every time there’s a programming change, there’s a committee overseeing this? Thank you to the volunteers who are our Programming Committee: Ross Nable, Matthew Frederick, Lyndelle Wilkinson, Samantha Goldie, Chris Pearson, Bridget Small and Tess Lawley.
We some notable milestones this month. Shio’s Eternal Rhythm celebrated 100 shows and we saw the very first Covidsafe Back2Back with MzRizk (Boogie Beat Suite) / Mike G (Mystic Brew), which was a real hit with the listeners.
New announcers joined our program guide, Jazz Spaces Within Space, Jo Malone No Way Back, Susie Scurry Shine a Light and Kristen Solury with Bleeding Black Hearts Revue.
Our biannual publication Easey Magazine featured the work of Nichola Scurry, Tull Alred, Miss Goldie, Richie 1250, Elle Young, Shio, Michael Mulholland, Adriana, Zvi Belling, Meg Butler, Eve Fraser, Kurt Eckhardt, David Heard, Michelle Gearon, Myles O'Neill-Shaw, Penny O’Brien, Greta Robenstone, Claire Cross, Hannah McKittrick, Emma Peel, Kix, Richi Madan, Ronan Hamil, Kene Lighfoot and edited by Nichola Scurry, Michelle Gearon, Caroline Lambert and Aleisha Hall.

T-shirt art by Jase Harper
Traditionally May is our biggest fundraising month, where our announcers ask our listeners to become members to help support the station’s operational costs for the year ahead. With events and sponsorship income coming to a halt, in 2020, PBS needed the support more than ever. So many wonderful businesses from the community donated to the cause and thankfully those who could gave generously.
In a station first, we were unable to have the support of volunteers to help enter the memberships and send the kits due to Covidsafe measures. Listeners entered their own memberships and donations - again a huge thanks to Steve Passiouras for that database and Elle and Michelle in membership. But most of all, thank you to the new and renewing members who heard the call of the PBS announcers. It was a record year.
This month, a brand new segment called Sounds Like Home commenced, featuring artists the: GL, Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever, Barb Waters, Nat Bartsch, Vardos, Fiona Boyes, Hexdebt and Uncle Kutcha Edwards. These artists created home recordings for broadcast on PBS, aired on The Afterglow, Radio City, 5ft High & Rising, Impressions, Global Village, Roots of Rhythm, Garageland and Homebrew and supported City of Melbourne COVID-19 Arts Grants, produced by Aleisha Hall.
At the end of the month and into June, inspired by the events in the world, many PBS announcers amongst many different genres programmed their shows, in solidarity for the Black Lives Matter movement. Unfortunately, our audio archive only goes back 6 months, but so many of the programs were not only a spotlight on the artists, but the expression of how our announcers felt, expressed through the music. Judging by the feedback, the listening audience were moved.

In June we reached a huge milestone. Presenter of Acid Country, David Heard celebrated 40 years on-air. In a pre –Covid environment, it would be easy. We’d hold a huge party to celebrate. But we were unable to. So who comes in and saves the day? Just the announcer and artists including Mick Thomas, Tracy McNeil, Lachlan Bryan, James Ellis and Sarah Carroll. They created music just for Acid Country celebrating David Heard’s 40 years on air with the support of City of Yarra’s Leaps and Bounds Music Festival.
By July 8, Melbourne was in its second lockdown. This time it was more serious. Due to the rates of community transmission, some announcers were unable to come in. So it’s worth putting the spotlight on how to overcome this. One of our founding members Ken Fargher was able to use his radio production skills to help out other announcers. Other producers who helped get content on-air were: Bridget Small, Anita Michalski, Xan Coppinger(Sound and Vision- Breakfast Tuesdays), Annika Priest (State of the Art –Breakfast Wednesdays), Garry Havrillay (Global Village) and Iain Swift.
Have you ever wanted to be invited over to a certain PBS announcer’s house to rummage through their record collection? The Record Room Series features some of the stars of PBS including Adriana (Opalakia), Mz Rizk (Boogie Beat Suite), Tony Irvine (Irvine Jump), Richie 1250 (Stone Love), R
onan Hamil (Hippopotamus Rex), Chris Pearson (Pojama People) and Rick Howe (Riddim Yard). On the Record Room they show you their favourite records. The series was produced by the announcers and Kurt Eckardt.

In August, Fresh Produce with Cosi and Walla C, and 5ft High and Rising both celebrated 10 years on air. PBS launched a new Iphone app, the Android app followed later, both made by Mark Turner, widely applauded by our listeners.

September saw Phil MacDougall of Sunglasses After Dark celebrate a mammoth 40 years on air, presenting punk, hardcore and more. Phil did a 2 part special with Rodney Shah featuring 40 years of his highlights.
October saw another Spring Clean Your Conscience fundraising campaign which featured the much-loved tote bag. The artwork was by Hana Brenecki, with generous prize donations courtesy of Camberwell Cane, the Little Veggie Patch Co and Rocksteady Records.

Also we saw a web series Fast Times in Studio 5 with The Melbourne Mass Gospel Choir, Guitar Wolf and the Let’s Go’s and Os Mutantes. We also took a light hearted looked back through our archives in Waves Revisited, looking at the record shops, ads, muso services, reasons to leave the house, our logo, and the DIY zine style.
The end of the month we celebrated Saul Zavarce’s Fiesta Jazz (Saturday’s 11am-1pm) which turned 20! At around the same time, we breathed a collective sigh of relief underneath our mandated masks with lockdown restrictions eased.
Due to the pandemic, NAIDOC Week 2020 was moved to November 8- 15. PBS celebrated NAIDOC week on-air across the program guide.
On the PBS website we saw Wuigada: a dedicated space on the front page of the PBS website where First Nations musicians can share and celebrate music made by other First Nations musicians with PBS audiences. Wuigada was named and developed by Kutcha Edwards with Meg Butler. The featured artists included Dave Arden, Shellie Morris, Roger Knox, LJ Hill, Selwyn Burns, Deline Briscoe as well as Kutcha Edwards.
On-air, Mike Gurrieri celebrated 300 episodes of Mystic Brew. We farewelled Solaris on PBS. Xan and Clancy bought old-school, new-school, rare-groove, eclectic synth and electronic music to the airwaves for over two years.
We witnessed some innovation in our community with our very own Emma Peel (Switched On) Reservoir Stomp –staging an online extravaganza featuring Archie Roach, Kutcha Edwards, Cash Savage and the Last Drinks, Queen of Hearts Mariachi, Jazz party and Reservoir Stomp faves Randy Feltface and The Walrez. It was one of the many events we were proud to present.
In November, we had to defer our AGM until a time where we could convene in person. And it’s an opportune time to thank you to our Board for providing our governance, and leading the way for another year: Lauren O'Dwyer, Justin Naylor, Jurgen Schaub (Chair), Tess Lawley, Peter Boyle, Maddy MacFarlane and Chris Pearson.
In December, Paul Kidney broadcast his 500th Ear of the Behearer putting the spotlight on kooky, uncompromising and never predictable noise and free jazz.
2020 was not only was it our 40th year. We got the chance to share the love with pioneering multicultural music organisation The Boîte’ who celebrated their anniversary on-air with Roger Holdsworth Global Village.
Easey mag hit member letterboxes featuring content by Eve Fraser, Alannah Sawyer, Julia Derwas, Phil MacDougall, Claire Stuchbery, Jonny Hesselberg, Kix, Richie 1250, Rick Howe. Editors: Aleisha Hall, Meg Butler, Nichola Scurry and the artwork/layout was by Simon O’Halloran Design.
Continuing our media partnership with Music Victoria, we saw them innovate their awards through their live stream, and our very own Lyndelle Wilkinson (The Afterglow) was co-presenter.

With the generosity of its many donors to the Make it Home appeal, by December 4, PBS took possession of its new home at The Yards and on December 21, PBS turned 41.
As our music coordinator Firas Massouh writes, “PBS strives to maintain closeness and our weekly feature albums are very much an integral part of this story. They are carefully selected for their capacity to reflect an important relationship between movement and stillness. The music here offers a wide spectrum of emotional responses, from the meditative to the chaotic. Listening back to these albums now is a way to celebrate the ebbs and flows of a year that we just cannot wait to end”. These were our feature albums in 2020:
Chapter Music - Chapter Bushfire Benefit, The Necks - Three, Antibalas - Fu Chronicles, Anna Cordell - Nobody Knows Us, Gil Scott-Heron/Makaya McCraven - We're New Again, Frank Yamma - Tjukurpa, Jackson Reid Briggs & The Heaters - Hammered, Tracy McNeil & The Goodlife - You Be The Lightning, Big Yawn - No!, Cable Ties - Far Enough, Snowy Band - Audio Commentary, The Chats - High Risk Behaviour, The Breadmakers - The Breadmakers, RVG - Feral, JK Group - The Young Ones, Karate Boogaloo - Carn The Boogers, The Teskey Brothers - Live At The Forum, Natalie Slade - Control, Rajiv Jayaweera - Pistils, The Sockettes - Wendy's Place, Bananagun - The True Story of Banangun, Khruangbin - Mordechai, The Meanies - Desperate Measures, Andrea Keller's Five Below - Life is Brut[if]al, Jon Hassell - Seeing Through Sound (Pentimento Volume Two), Crack Cloud - Pain Olympics, Lianne La Havas - Lianne La Havas, Kamaal Williams - Wu Hen, Gordon Koang - Unity, The Avett Brothers - The Third Gleam, Private Function - Whose Line Is It Anyway, Midnight Riders meet Naram Rhythm Section - Midnight Riders meet Naram Rhythm Section, Angel Olsen - Whole New Mess, First Sounds - First Sounds Vol. 3, Napalm Death - Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism, Khotin - Finds You Well, Kylie Auldist - This is What Happiness Looks Like, Blue Note Re:Imagined, Surprise Chef - Daylight Savings, Mr. Bungle - The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny Demo, Emma Donovan & The Putbacks - Crossover, Archie Roach - 30th Anniversary of Charcoal Lane, Zombeaches - Cheers To The Future and Jimi Tenor – Aulos. See more: https://www.pbsfm.org.au/news/feature-albums-2020
To be standing strong at the end of 2020 is an achievement that speaks volumes about our community. The reason we can is because of the musicians who make the music, the announcers who kept broadcasting through thick and thin, and the generosity of the community of support from PBS listeners, members, sponsors, donors and anyone else who contributed.
We sincerely thank you.
As we all know the pandemic is not over yet, and 2021 promises to be a big one. It's our relocation year so stay tuned for more music and more updates! There’s more ways than ever to listen to us: 106.7 FM in Melbourne, DAB+, stream online, via the PBS app, I heart radio app, and we discover daily many other third party radio apps in the ether.
Behind the scenes and for the record the PBS staff in 2020 were:
Adrian Basso: General Manager
Owen McKern: Program Manager
Paul Maybury: Production Manager
Alicia Saye: Production Assistant
Yuri Pavlinov: Production Assistant
Sarah Blaby: Sponsorship & Promotions Manager
Shelley McNicholl: Sponsorship & Promotions Coordinator
Iain Swift: Sponsorship & Promotions Coordinator
Meg Butler: Marketing & Events Manager
Aleisha Hall: Marketing & Events Coordinator
Kurt Eckardt: Social Media & Membership Assistant
Firas Massouh: Music & Interviews Coordinator
Alex Sims: Interviews Coordinator
Michelle Gearon/Elle Young (until May 2020): Membership Coordinator
Romney Shuttleworth: Accounts
Bill Runting: Broadcast Engineer
Damian Wiseman: IT
Jacki Melvin: Capital Appeal Fundraiser
Jonny Hesselberg: Project Manager
Mara Williams: Administration