We are all incredibly concerned for those who have been effected by the floods in Queensland and locally in Victoria – the level of loss is difficult for us to comprehend. PBS would like to encourage you to pitch in and make a donation to help fellow Australians affected by the disaster.
For the Queensland Floods: make a donation via the Premier's Flood Relief Appeal by calling 1800 219 028 or by visiting http://www.qld.gov.au/floods/donate.html
For the Victorian Floods: make a donation via the Red Cross by phoning 1800 811 700, or by visiting http://www.redcross.org.au/ourservices_acrossaustralia_disasteremergency...
There are a number of benefit gigs being held around Melbourne to assist people who have been affected by the floods. You can contribute just by attending the gigs and getting involved. Please click on an event for more information.
Thursday, 24th February
Better Than the Wizards Single Launch
Veludo, St Kilda. $5 entry
Friday, 25th February
The Pineapple Lounge FLOOD AID
Revolt, Kensington, 7pm. All proceeds to the Victorian Floods Appeal
Saturday, 26th February
QLD Flood Relief Gig with Shed Zeppelin, Exhile and more
The Espy Gershwin Room, 8pm. $20 entry.
Sunday, 27th February
Melbourne Blues Appreciation Society - Blues Harp Blow Out
Grand Central Hotel Richmond, 5.30-10pm. $15 entry (All proceeds go to the Blues Association of South East Queensland (BASEQ) to assist with the restoration of the devastated ROYAL MAIL HOTEL in Goodna. The Premier live blues music venue in the Brisbane region.)