For the first time in history, visionary artists Alex and Allyson Grey will step foot upon Australian soil to present their radiant portfolio of visionary paintings, drawings, and multimedia to art, science and music lovers across the nation. The main event in Melbourne will take place at the iconic Astor Theatre in St. Kilda on Saturday January 29, featuring an artistic showcase and interactive discussion with both Alex and Allyson followed by a live painting performance. Displaying their finely detailed images of subconscious symbolism, this full day with the Greys will allow each participant to truly delve into the artistic realm of Alex and Allyson Grey and their transformative works of art.
This spectacular event is bound to inspire, encourage, and transform.
Sign-up to become a member on and go into the running to win:
- Double pass to Rainbow Serpent
- Double VIP pass to the Alex Grey live show at the Astor Theatre (front row seats)
- A chance to meet Alex Grey face-to-face
“Alex Grey is one of the great art-mystics of our time. The works are truly stunning – luminous and bizarre, grandly conceived and vividly coloured.” Donald Kuspit, Art New England
Tickets now on sale at
Also available at the following Ticket Outlets:
The Astor Theatre Box Office
St Kilda VIC
Polyester Books
Fitzroy VIC
Pure Pop Records
St Kilda VIC
Artist, Co-Founder Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
Alex Grey is best known for his paintings, which portray multiple dimensions of reality, interweaving biological anatomy with psychic and spiritual energies. Grey’s visual meditation on the nature of life and consciousness, the subject of his art, is contained in five books. His two monographs, Sacred Mirrors and Transfigurations, follow the history of Grey’s artistic life. The Mission of Art and Art Psalms reflect on art as a spiritual practice. The book, CoSM, co-authored with Allyson Grey, provides a guided tour of the New York City installation of the Sacred Mirrors collection. Grey’s world-renowned career includes exhibitions and keynote addresses from Basel to Tokyo to Sao Paulo, and features on the Discovery Channel, the CBC, in Newsweek and Time magazines. Grey’s art has been used on albums for the multi-platinum bands Nirvana, Beastie Boys, Tool, and String Cheese Incident. Grey’s most outstanding and widely appreciated works of transformative art were exhibited for five years in the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York City.
Artist, Co-Founder Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
An accomplished visionary artist, Allyson Grey’s paintings invent a symbol system representing chaos, order, and secret writing. Co-founder of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York City, is the wife and partner of internationally renowned artist, Alex Grey, and the mother of film actress Zena Grey. Born in 1952, Allyson received a Master of Fine Arts degree from Tufts University in 1976. She has edited and co-written a dozen books and journals, taught art at Tufts University, the Boston Museum School and at Omega Institute for 17 years. A leader of a growing community, Allyson has spoken widely at conferences and symposia. She has received several commissions for long-term and permanent installations of her artwork, which has been exhibited throughout the U.S.