Sun 14 Apr 2024

"It's been fantastic. Can't believe my luck to be doing this... and growing old grace.... disgracefully" - Ron Dickinson.

On Sunday March 31, ‘Rockin’ Ron Dickinson announced he’ll be hanging up the headphones, winding up eclectic music show, Magic Carpet Ride after 10 years of early Sunday mornings on air.

Listen to the final episode of Magic Carpet Ride here.

It’s no exaggeration to say that Ron is an institution. PBS listeners might know that Ron’s PBS story spans beyond Magic Carpet Ride, having heard his voice and his fine selections over near on 4 decades on-air at PBS.

Ron’s interest in the station started in the early 80s. Whilst on overseas adventure where he was exposed to iconic radio DJ John Peel, Ron returned home to Australia in 1980 and was thrilled to find that community radio stations PBS & RRR were now transmitting.

Inspired by the likes of PBS announcer Mick Geyer, Ron remembers “ringing PBS to find how to become involved” and the first person he met was “Suzy Dickinson (no relation - how bizarre)”.

It was the in a time where CDs were taking over from LPs as the popular music format. PBS was located at the Ritz Mansions, and the station manager was Maz Knott.

Soon after, he started broadcasting in the newly created overnight slots. Officially joining the PBS program guide in 1990 with Powered by Electicity (1990-1991), then presenting The Morning After solo or with Glen Morrow (1994-1998 and 2005-2006), Before Brunch (1999), Roll Back The Carpet (2005-2007) and Magic Carpet Ride (2014-2024). Ron enjoyed the company of special guest presenter Bob Esselmont for The Ron & Bob Tag Team and of course Ron's musical versatility and flexibility meant he presented countless fill-ins over the years. 

Over his long period of volunteering at PBS, one of the highlights was the move to St Kilda from Collingwood in 2001. In that week “all volunteers worked to transform a shell into our home at 47 Easey Street.”

For Ron, having a regular program brought “much joy”, researching, discovering, and rediscovering tracks listeners haven’t heard for years.

Looking forward, Ron sees the biggest challenge that PBS faces is the speed that which technology is changing our world and how to be relevant in this new era. His solution? PBS could use our digital license with more podcasting part of PBS footprint.








Ron Dickinson presented the last track of the last episode of Magic Carpet Ride in the company of friends and fans in person and in radio-land. What's playing? No Regrets by The Walker Brothers.
 Listen back here.
Picture by Claire Stuchbery.


Pure and simple there is and only has been one "Rockin' Ronnie Dee" on radio and we the listeners have had him at PBS thakfully - Peter Merrett

Thanks for the music Ron. Always a great way to start my Sunday - Anne

Ron you are irreplaceable and I'm not sure what Sunday morning is going to sound like without you.Thanks for all the great music and chat that got me from Melbourne to Aireys when I used to drive down early. Now we have radio on every Sunday morning never missing a show. I hope your archive of music stays in the PBS website. Love love love your show. Enjoy retirement.Take care - Jane and Anthony from Aireys Inlet

Ron, love waking up on a Sunday and listening to your show and again during the week streaming it whilst mowing the lawns - Elvis

Congrats on your fabulous career, Ron...such fun & special moments on Sunday mornings with you, your humour & the MUSIC! - Verity

Well done Ron and all the best for the future. I've always enjoyed your show when I've had the chance to tune in - David Hansen (Domino Conspiracy)

Ron, you are an inspiration to me. Your focus on the progressive part of PBS keeps me on the straight and narrow - Cas Castle

Congratulations Ron. Love the variety of Magic Carpet Ride and the seemindless surprises. Enjoy your sleep in Sundays - Moira Drew

You are the best musical neighbour - Adrian

Good on you Ron, have been listening to PBS and your Sunday mornings since leaving Melbourne in 2014 and returning to Broome! - Martin Jones

All the best to a complete Legend in the PBS ranks. Great work Ron! \m/ - Wendy Tonkin

Ron, you introduced our family to lots of artists. It's been a joyful carpet ride every Sunday and streaming. Thanks a bunch - Julian and Mary Collas-Smith

Magnificent innings. No one is as passionate about PBS as you. I have enjoyed being your weekend breakfast buddy. All the best!- Myles O'Neil-Shaw

Ron, your commitment to keeping PBS eclectic and interesting will be forever legendary. I'll miss our Sunday morning handovers - Declan James

So this is why my connection keeps dropping out.. enjoy having freed up weekends -Kylie Walker

A wonderful journey Ron! (Fewer of us now in the octo-generation.) With you, getting up on a Sunday morning has been enjoyable - Roger Holdsworth

Thank you so much for your Sunday mornings company Ron D spanning many years. I will miss your honest, personal presentations - Geoff Hare

Always enjoyed the variety and your truly unique selection of music. Thank you! - Big Ern

Thank you Ron for all of your eclectic music. A few years ago you were playing Christmas music FANTASTIC! Thank you - Jimmy D

Hi Ron, many thanks for Early Sunday Mornings, you have introduced me to a diverse and enjoyable music ride. Wish you well - Clive Barber

Good luck Ron. You will be missed seriously but life goes on. You have educated us all about music. You’re the best DJ on PBS  - Mick Kennedy

Congrats Ron! We've been tuning in to your show for years. Always enlightening and entertaining - Miss Kay

Thank you, Ron. Our Sunday morning bagel routine won't be the same without you. Thanks for a great ride! - Paul, Elli and Aya

Who would have thought a chance meeting at the community cup would lead to friendship and DJ our wedding?!  - Feather Riot xx

On ya Ron, will enjoy digging through the archives - Anthony

Ron, we will miss you so much. We love your obscure covers, your unique curation and lack of pretension - Astrid Laver 

Dear Ron, We loved the mix of music and things out of left field - Ken Nordine! Best wishes - Helen & Nick

Dear Ron so sorry to hear you and your wonderful show will finish. Love the eclectic selections. Enjoy retirement - Ed Mest

Hi Ron, I'll miss you. You have been a Sunday morning companion for so many years. Thanks, Sundays will never be quite the same - Adrian Kortus

Thanks, Ron. Great mix of music always. Too early for me on Sundays, but always listened during the following week. Good luck - Robert Boscarato

On the odd occasion we were still up at 6am, we had a ball listening to you (and Bob) playing such random tunes. We'll miss you - Rinny and Tales

Mate. Massive effort. Thanks for all your many years of grind. You helped build the station - Lloyd

All the best, Ron. Thank you for all the theme tracks, the memorable trips home, and above all your friendship. Cheers! - Helen Jennings

A great innings Ron, congrats! I heard that during one of my global programs you once declared, "What the f*** is that??" :) - Garry Havrillay

For years, Sunday morning has meant a cup of tea listening to the wide and wild range of tunes on Magic Carpet Ride. Thanks Ron - Tony Whittaker

Ron, I've enjoyed your company whilst driving to golf each Sunday morning. To say your music is eclectic is an understatement - Pedro

Thank you for the music and for loving Willie DeVille as much as I do - Carol in sunny Altona

Ron, love your show, listen to it several times each week on Demand, will so much miss it. Best wishes - Tony Nippard

Thanks for all the great tunes Ron! I'll always remember your Breakfast Spread fills.... absolutely ROCKIN RON!- Al Baby

Thank you for the show, I listen every Monday at work in Port Hedland and you've been wonderful. Best wishes for what's next - Fiona Sawyer

A note to say how much we have enjoyed your broadcasting on PBS over 40 years. Thank you so much Rockin’ Ron. Your amazing knowledge & love of music & humour were an absolute joy. Cheers - Ben and Sophie

Thank you Ron for your many years of broadcasting! I'll miss your dulcet tones and enlightening Sunday selections. Rock on! :-) - Brian Sidlo

Thanks so much for the wonderful music xx I will miss your beautiful voice xx ❤️ love Carol 

With all my heart dear Ron Thank You! Your brilliant selections and craftily mixed styles have been an awesome gift. Go well -Juliana Belgrave

I also climbed those stairs in the Ritz to join PBS as a subscriber. I've enjoyed your incredible music collection ever since - Mal Bailey

Hey Rom, thanks from everyone at PBS for your incredible contribution to the station accross a long tenure. All the best - Rom Shuttleworth

I've really enjoyed the varied fun time tunes you have presented over the years, Ron, and more than a few have found their way in - Peter Braithwaite

Sunday mornings just won't be the same without your voice on the radio Ron - from Julie and me - Con Pagonis

Thanks for the music Ron. Always a great way to start my Sundays - Anne

What a star! Always fresh, funny and with a truly eclectic taste. You are the Magic itself! - Rob Eames

Thanks for all the years of early morning eclectic tunes...also on behalf of my surf buddies who get to listen whenever heading - Alwis

Thanks you Ron - we listen to you every Sunday, religiously!! Noting better than going to the Vic Markets groovin to Ron - Sam

I only just got the message that my Sunday mornings will be missing a wonderful musical start and a unique and appreciated voice. Ron, thanks for your admirable contribution, I will miss it - David Nickson

Ron, we go way back on PBS, to the days of sharing fill-ins for Big Al. It's been a pleasure listening to you. All the best! - Harry Q Holden

Dear Ron, Thank you for sharing your wonderful eclectic musical selections. Always love the Sunday morning ride. Best wishes ❤️  Jessica & Harriette

Ron, I am so bummed about you stopping this great show. It has kept me company in my shop on Saturday afternoon here in San Diego. Ron, Thank you for the great shows and for all the music and patter. I will miss you Stay Well My Friend - John Barry Zomisky

We are late comers to your show, Ron. We have enjoyed our 6 months on Sunday mornings with you. All the best and thank you! - M & S

Thanks for all the great music and chat that got me from Melbourne to Aireys when I used to drive down early. Now we have radio on every Sunday morning never missing a show.
I hope your archive of music stays in the PBS website
- Jane Wilson

Congratulations Ron and thank you. Your mix of music and presenting will be surely and sadly missed. All the best and thank you - Andrew Cawfield

Our Sunday mornings won’t be the same without you playing your great selections and your warmth and insight - Gayzee and Johnny

When we were younger my friends and I did an overnight show – sometimes crossing over with Ron. Despite our age gap  we connected with Ron through music. As you can imagine (in real life) he was a generous sharer of music, making musical connections between what we played with what he knew, and also passing on new music he was excited about. We really appreciated that a respected radio veteran would take the time to talk to us. Not only was Ron encouraging, he even shared a radio secret with us:  if you are in the privileged position to be a presenter, you need to dig to find those songs/tunes/moments that connect with the listeners – and that is the real reward. Thanks Ron for your wisdom, generosity and the tunes – M

Ron, as a budding PBS presenter you've always been super-friendly and supportive whenever we've crossed over after an insomnia - Brian Polli

Honk honk honk! Hey Ron, you gave us the best Sunday cuppa tunes. A thoroughly enjoyed magical musical carpet ride. Cheers - The Mean Bean Coffee Machine

Hi Ron, Sunday morning will not be the same without the Magic Carpet Ride. All the best for your next project - Stephen from Mt Eliza

Ron, you've been an absolute inspiration to so many of us at PBS and it's been an honour to tune in and join you on your ride x - Lloyd Briggs

What a proud legacy. These generous and sincere tributes are testament to your versatility as a broadcaster and the esteem your listeners and peers hold you in. A well deserved valedictory to a great clubman! All the best Ron - Andrew Young

Thank you for such a great selection of eclectic music. Will miss listening to your wonderful radio show - Cheryl Daye

 I will miss your often melancholy music moments Ron - thank you again - Geoff Hare

It was a pleasure to meet you and Bob, I will miss your acerbic wit and eclectic (incomparable) music taste! - Paul Jones

Thanks for all the flights of fancy on your wonderful magic carpet ride. Your show was the perfect way to roll into Sunday - Donna Volta

Sad to see go Ron, thanking you for variety of music you played on your show throughout the years, all the best mate  - Neil Bamford

You were my in into PBS.. driving back from the airport early on a Sun morning... loved it then and ever since   - Chris Roe

Hi Ron Got to know you when you worked at the credit union and later down at Todd Rd. Always enjoyed the music - Greg Strange

Thank you for your service to the station and all of the joyful Sunday mornings! I’ll miss you, Ron! X - Meg

What a loss. Thank you so much for so much - Doug Smith

Apologies for being late to the sad news, but all good things come to an end. Thank you for service. Sunday mornings won't be the same - Sergio Gonzalez

G’day old friend-glad to see you’re still with us. You’re a bloody legend!! - Trev Ganga

A rapturous round of applause for Rockin' Ron Dickinson following the broadcast of the final
Magic Carpet Ride