As music lovers, we're all ready for a return to normality and, a return to live music. In the interim, PBS has decided to bring the live vibe direct from artists' living rooms to yours with Sounds Like Home.
Sounds like Home highlights local, diverse and talented musicians from the community, with each session delivering a brand new intimate recording from an artist you love; delivered immediately from artist to listener.
Tune in to Impressions on Sunday June 21 as we continue Sounds Like Home with multi award winning pianist and composer Nat Bartsch. Nat is known for creating lyrical, ethereal work that explores the space between jazz and classical genres and joins us ahead of new album Forever More.
Nat Bartsch said this about her set:
"This set was recorded on my home piano, a Yamaha YUS-5 upright, with a Zoom Q2N recorder balanced on top. It was the first time in weeks that I had the chance to sit down at my instrument, in the quiet of the evening while my son slept in the next room. It had been a rough week – physical injuries, supporting unwell family members, anxiety, toddler tantrums, and postponing a tour due to covid-19.
"The opening tune 'For Now' was an improvisation I recorded a few days earlier, that didn’t end the way I’d like. So I transcribed it, and re-recorded the notes with a few improvements and elaborations. The title comes from a cartoon I saw where a kid says “I’m sad” and his dog adds “try adding ‘for now’” and the kid says “I’m sad… for now”. For me that cartoon says everything about this time. It is crazy, and difficult, and it’s completely OK to just sit with the grief for a while – it will pass.
"The following two songs come from my lullaby albums Forever, and No Time At All and the jazz companion, just released, Forever More."
Sounds Like Home was dreamed up by PBS and is proudly supported by the City of Melbourne COVID-19 Arts Grants.