by Lindi Ortega
Although in some ways it seems that Lindi Ortega has come out of nowhere to Australian audiences, the Canadian country singer/songwriter has been releasing material in her native country since 2001! With a style that's very reminiscent of her current home in Nashville, Lindi's latest album Tin Star, is a real winner. There are several up-tempo raucous rockabilly numbers such as Gypsy Child, Voodoo Mama and All These Cats but these are balanced by beautiful ballads such as This Is Not Surreal and the title track. If you enjoy Tin Star, definitely go back and check out her last couple of albums Little Red Boots and Cigarettes & Truckstops as these are worth a listen as well. A real fun album and it'll be interesting where she heads on her next release.
by Crispi - The Breakfast Spread
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