2 Gentleman, 21-24th September
One of Shakespeare's least famous comedies, The Two Gentlemen of Verona is about misogyny, friendship and love, here condensed into one hour for your viewing pleasure.
Two friends find themselves competing for the affection of one woman - in spite of one man being engaged to another woman. The result is inevitable: mayhem, betrayal and cross-dressing.
There will be live tweeting, live texting, and a live dog.
Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Sharmini Kumar
Diana Clarke, 22nd-24th September
Whether it's a haunting ballad, a samba-reggae, or the blues in Portuguese, Diana Clark's distinctly soulful alto voice allures you with its warm embrace.
Think Nina Simone and k.d. lang, married with the rhythms of Rio de Janeiro. That's the voice of Diana Clark, Melbourne singer/songwriter who draws from Brazilian pop, the Beatles and jazz.
This is a rich sound; sultry, playful and moving. With her fine interpretations of bossa and Brazilian pop music (MPB) she has been intoxicating audiences throughout Australia, the Pacific and Brazil alongside guitarist Doug de Vries.
Now forging a solo career, her original material reveals an emotive power and sophistication that is given full flight in her new group Diana May Clark and The Sunny Set.
X, 23rd Sep-8th October
The most famous pirate in the world, Honoria Whitelace has abandoned the swashbuckling life and spends her days at the bottom of a bottle of rum. But she can’t escape her past as her life long enemy Captain Steakheart returns to search out the hidden treasure they lost long ago.Written by Robert Reid (MTC) and staring Hayley Butcher (Australia's Got Talent) and Joshua Cameron (Le Garcon Neurotique), designed and puppeteered by Penelope Bartlou (Barking Spider Visual Theatre), Danielle Goronszy (Polyglot), Renee Dudfeild (Westside Circus) and Sayraphim Lothian, X is a wild adventure on the high seas. Featuring zombie pirates, steampunk robots, monsters of the deep and an epic skeleton army sword battle, X is the newest work from Melbourne’s experimental puppet company Terrible Comfort.
Written by Robert Reid
Produced by Terrible Comfort
Don't Take It As Gospel, 22nd Sep-8th October
Four unemployed writers have the opportunity to make a submission for a potential best-seller - for potentially THE best-seller of all time. Who will conquer and divide the spoils: truth, love, jealousy, honesty - or the kilt? Is the pen really mightier than the sword? Dandenong Theatre Company (DTC) proudly presents an original play from the creative mind of Matt Caton.
Three shows, one night, one venue. Come and see Don't Take It As Gospel and purchase tickets at the door to see Verbatim and Measure for Measure for a discounted price. Shows start from 7pm each night.
Written and Conceived by Matt Caton
Directed by Colin Morley
Sarah Curro, 4th September
Volume, the dynamic solo-violin show that sold out the BMW Edge in 2010 is back. Melbourne violinist Sarah Curro performs Australian works for acoustic, semi-acoustic and electric violins made by Paul Davies of Arts Music. Sarah presents digital images, filmclips and costumes made for the show!
Produced and Performed by Sarah Curro
Created by Australian Composers
Spark, 1-2nd October
Spark: the show that gets you talking taboo. I’m Eloise Maree and each show I will be joined by experts and audience to discuss Melbourne’s most controversial topics. You’re invited to this conversation about life, death and what’s in between. The show is streamed live, visit sparktheconversation.com to view past episodes and have your say.
Spark is fresh out of Brisbane where I was joined by everyday people as well as morticians, politicians, artists, journalists and many more. Spark is going super-size and you’re invited to debate, drink and problem-solve. Tickets are affordable because I want Spark to be accessible; I value every opinion.
Wine is included.
BYO thoughts, fantasies and opinions.
Spark is a proud recipient of a City of Melbourne grant.
Hosted by Eloise Maree
Dramaturg Katherine Feeney
The Penny-Toy Man, 1-8th October
'On the streets of Spitalfields the horror has now all but drained away but in 1884, the year of our Lord, the East End of London was, for a week or two, in the grip of something... infernal.'
So begins The Penny-Toy Man the newest educational offering from the gentlemen of The Laudanum Project.
The snipes of the East End are vanishing and word is beginning to spread on street corners and in back alleys that perhaps kind old Albert Scratch is not all that he seems.
There is only one way through the squalid labyrinth of filthy lanes and back alleys of London’s worst criminal rookery and that is in the secure company of Alphonse Cheese-Probert and Heapus Maximus. The men that know.
The Laudanum Project.
Written and Performed by The Laudanum Project
Markus de Port, 5-8th October
Markus de Port: A one-man show. Six stories, six lives, six characters. Each part of Markus's life and each person in it is threaded to another. So hold onto this wayward thread that travels through a few degrees of separation and you may just find out who Markus de Port is.
Written and Performed by Peter Condon
Directed by David Paterson
The Bald Soprano, 22nd Sep-8th October
THRESHOLDtc welcomes you to the bizarre world of Eugene Ionesco in The Bald Soprano. A place where dogs don’t swallow their trunks, people don't polish spectacles with black wax, and it's not uncommon to know at least eight Bobby Watsons.
Ready for your dose of Theatre Of The Absurd?
Faraday's Candle, 22-30th September
An entertaining and illuminating theatre performance.
More than 150 years ago Michael Faraday saw beauty and wonder in the chemistry of a candle. His observations remain true today and the lessons are both simple and profound.
1 hour theatre performance starring Bernard Caleo.
Directed by Chris Krishna-Pillay
Written and Performed by Bernard Caleo
Obsession, 30th Sep-9th October
Please note that the 2 Sunday shows are now scheduled for a 6pm start.
Do you want to be wildly entertained? Take a journey to the dark side, the in between of heaven and hell, where greed, lust, envy, vanity, anger, sloth and gluttony are on trial. Obsession is a unique cabaret - the tale of 7 lives, 7 sins and 1 decision that changes it all.
Performed by Moving Theatre
Directed by Pauline Agius
Directed by Chris Krishna-Pillay
Room 328, 23rd Sep-8th October
Direct from World Theatre Festival, Brisbane Powerhouse.
Step in. Take our hand. Shoot Jäger. Throw shit at us and we’ll throw it back.
Room 328 is a Neverland for the 21st Century. A place where lost men reside: River Pheonix, James Dean and the guy throwing the first punch on a Saturday morning.
We are wild. You make us nervous. Created by 'a new, thoughtful generation of performance makers in Brisbane who are breaking new ground' - RealTime Arts, Douglas Leonard.
Immersive theatre with limited audiences.
Directed by Daniel Santangeli
Presented by Genevieve Trace
Carnaval Latino, 7th October
Get ready to explore your Inner Latino!
Experience the carnival of old days, street parties of every corner of Latin America, a tradition of soulful Fiesta.
Remembering the Fringe Parade on Brunswick St, we invite Melbourne to be creative and share the Fiesta with EL TARRO, Samba Cine and friends.
Presented by EL TARRO and Samba Cine Club
In association with Institute of Pataphysics