Blues musicians of all levels of skill have always appreciated the opportunity to learn from the finest Professional Blues musicians Australia has to offer. The Melbourne Blues Appreciation Society is providing that opportunity in the form of musician workshops.
Graham Maddicks has been playing drums for 30 years in various bands and teaching for 20 years. Graham comes from a rock background where he played with 'Josie Jason & the Argonauts' and 'Serigon' before transitioning into blues, spending the last 13 years playing with 'Jimi Hocking and the Blues Machine'. In that time Graham also has had the pleasure to play with various blues artists such as Chris Wilson, Geoff Achison, Chubby Rae and the Elevators and Sweet Felicia - just to name a few.
During the 2 hour workshop, Graham will be talking about blues grooves and feels & will demonstrate how the bass player (Karl Willebrandt) and drummer form the rhythm section for a band. Graham and Karl will then be joined by Jimi Hocking so that the grooves and feels can be demonstrated in a full band situation.