Blues Performer of the Year winner announced!
After a hotly contested final at The Grand Central Hotel, Richmond on Sunday 24th October, Sweet Felicia and the Honeytones won the ‘Blues Performer of the Year’ contest and will be going to Memphis to compete at the International Blues Challenge in February 2011.
A great crowd enjoyed the fantastic performances given by all the finalists: Sweet Felicia and the Honeytones; Tom Richardson and Eddy Boyle; Marisa Quigley and Tim Neal; Ash Dilorenzo; Matt Dwyer and the Magnatones and Jules Boult and Chris Mac. 2nd place went to Ash Dilorenzo, with Jules Boult and Chris Mac taking out 3rd place.
MBAS would also like to thank the following people and organisations for helping to make the competition so successful: the 14 judges (heats and final); staff at the Royal Standard and Grand Central Hotels; Tim and Rob on sound; Des Kennedy (photographer); our major sponsors – PBS 106.7FM, The Blues Train and Bendigo Bank; Cadbury and Black Market Music (donated raffle prizes) - and all of the people who came along to support the acts at the heats and final.
Monthly Blues Musician Workshops
Wednesday 17th November @ Royal Standard Hotel featuring Dave Philpots
Blues musicians of all levels of skill have always appreciated the opportunity to learn from the finest professional blues musicians Australia has to offer. The Melbourne Blues Appreciation Society is providing that opportunity in the form of musician workshops. Taking place on a Wednesday night once a month, beginners & proficient players will be able to learn from the blues masters themselves.
The 2 hour sessions will comprise a workshop for the first hour. The special guest musicians will talk about the music industry and answer questions. They will also demonstrate various aspects of performing their style of blues. In the second hour, a rhythm section will accompany the guest artist as they show how it's done in a band context.
Catch Dave Philpots Wednesday November 17.
Special guest musicians already booked for 2011. First workshop for 2011 – 2nd Wednesday in February.
Although primarily for musicians, workshops are open to all punters - you may just want to start learning a musical instrument!
Royal Standard Hotel 333 William St West Melbourne
8- 10pm, $10 entry
Meals available from 6pm. First in for the front seats!