Learn more about Far Side Virtual with James Parker, on the air Monday nights from 12 midnight until 2am.
James Parker has been an announcer at PBS for nearly two years now and was a volunteer for another couple of years before that.
Jazz was his gateway into the world of experimental music. A teenage love of Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Ornette Coleman and the other titans of the genre's golden age while everyone else seemed to be listening to Oasis and Blur soon blossomed into a broader interest in sounds that were forward-thinking, avant-garde or genre-pushing in one way or another. This in turn fed into James' career as an academic outside of the PBS studios where he enjoys thinking about questions of sound in relation to law and justice.
Today James spends most of his time listening to outsider electronica, critical beats, drone, ambient, noise, improv, sound art, post-Cagean and avant-classical, art-rock, alt-pop, hauntology, vaporwave and the otherwise unclassifiable. These are the kinds of sounds you're likely to hear if you tune in to James' show Far Side Virtual on Monday nights from midnight til two.