Who could forget the speech that stopped the nation – when at 9am on 13th February 2008, then-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a long-awaited apology to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia, for past injustices and wrongs done to them by successive Australian governments?
On Wednesday 13th February 2013 Australians will gather at events around the country to commemorate the 5th anniversary of that sacred and unifying moment in our nation’s history – and continue the journey of healing, recognition and reconciliation.
Reconciliation Victoria, Connecting Home, Link-Up Victoria, the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Melbourne, the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency and ANTaR Victoria, with support from the City of Melbourne and Federation Square, will commemorate the 5th Anniversary of the National Apology at Federation Square with a free public breakfast and screening of Kevin Rudd's Apology Speech.
The event will also include:
• Welcome to Country by Aunty Joy Murphy
• Live performance by the Kutcha Edwards Trio
• Live broadcast by Indigenous radio station 3KND
• Display of Proud Race bollards created by Victorian schools students featuring stories of inspiring Indigenous Australians
• Link-Up Victoria book launch of Where were you? with guest speakers
The event will continue the journey towards healing and recognition, and show support for the ‘Stolen Generation’.
According to Reconciliation Victoria’s Co-Chair Vicki Clark “The Apology Speech formally recognised and condoned the terrible loss and pain caused by successive Australian Governments when children were stolen from their families and communities were torn apart. Kevin Rudd, on behalf of the nation, apologised to Indigenous communities and reaffirmed the importance of recognising Indigenous Australians as Australia's First Peoples. It was a sacred moment in our nation’s history that we must never forget.”
Date: Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Time: 8.00am - 10.00am
Place: Federation Square – Main Stage